• Food is a Right •
The Peel Food Charter
What is a food charter?
A Food Charter is a statement of values and principles to guide a community’s food policy, essentially identifying or defining the culture of food that we want to see and experience in our community.
The Peel Food Charter was launched in 2017 by the Peel Food Security Taskforce. The Peel Food Charter is a living document developed through input from the community to reflect a collective vision of a just, sustainable and secure food system, for now and the future.
It serves as a guide for practices, policies and priorities in achieving food security to ensure we meet the needs and reflect the diversity of all who live and work in Peel.
In Peel Region...
of households experience
food Insecurity
of visits to the Mississauga Food Bank Agencies are from Children
increase in the cost to feed a family of 4 per week, between 2009-16
Nutritious Food Basket (2009-2016, Region of Peel)
How did we get here?

The Peel Food Charter was a project of the Peel Food Security Taskforce and a part of the larger Peel Poverty Reduction Strategy.
The Peel Poverty Reduction Strategy launched the Food Security Taskforce in 2012. Taskforce members included individuals and groups from across Peel representing social services, public health, planning, and a wide range of community organizations.
As one of its actions, the Food Security Taskforce created a Peel Food Charter for the Region that expresses the community’s values and priorities for our food system.
A functional Food System leads to Food Security
A food system shows the cyclical nature of how disposed food can become nutrients for future food production. A food system includes the steps of the food chain (e.g., produce, distribute, consume, and dispose) and the factors that influence it (e.g., political, social, economic and environmental).
Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. (FAO, 2002, The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2001, Rome.)

A just, sustainable and secure food system for now and the future.
The Peel Food Charter recognizes that individuals, groups, businesses, organizations and governments all play important roles in realizing our shared vision. Collectively, we understand the interdependency of our goals in achieving that vision.
Our vision is achieved through a set of goals described under six themes:
- Cultivate a thriving local food economy that supports Peel’s agriculture and food businesses
- Foster strong relationships among local food producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers
- Ensure the community, including a range of partners, drive policies and decision-making that affects food
- Promote culturally vibrant communities, diverse food traditions and collaborations
- Increase awareness and knowledge of food security issues across sectors and the public
- Ensure information about food is accurate, accessible, and easy to understand
- Foster relationships and seek opportunities to optimize the use of resources to increase efficiencies in the food system
- Achieve economic and environmental viability through responsible management, including management of nutrients, soil and water
- Advocate for policies that reflect people’s diverse food needs, choices and preferences
- Ensure access to healthy food and food services for everyone regardless of differences, including income, life situation and location
- Create an environment in which all Peel residents can meet their nutritional needs and enjoy the best possible health
- Enhance physical spaces and promote social norms where people live, work and play to improve health
Opportunities for Action
& Economy
Build awareness among consumers & institutions of opportunities to buy locally produced food
Community Engagement
& Decision Making
Assemble an on-going group of community partners dedicated to advocate and implement the Peel Food Charter to foster accountability and dialogue
& Awareness
Facilitate the sharing of knowledge and food skills including understanding labels, reducing waste, growing, preparing, cooking and storing of food
& Sustainability
Support opportunities for innovation, resource sharing and corporate social responsibility in all areas of the food system
Equity &
Social Justice
Empower communities to identify their unique needs around food and how to better provide access to healthy food
Health &
Develop and implement policies that promote health and healthy food culture, including food offerings and cafeteria design
For more information about the Peel Food Charter, contact:
- PovertyInPeel.ca
- 905.791.7800 x 8782
- Peel_Poverty